Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Month: May 2021

On the Move – A Walking Update

Such interesting and good visits with our friends in Arizona! The variety of landscapes within our country never fail to amaze!

Hooray! Two of us, sidelined for some time, are back walking with us. Meanwhile, a couple more of us are benched for awhile, as the rest of us head for San Diego. When this initiative got underway in September, did you ever think your own personal mileage would accumulate to such numbers, or that TOGETHER, we would be closing in on 5000 miles?! Some things are truly so simple, but do make a difference.

Food Pantry Donations

As we return to in- person worship in the sanctuary, we are resuming designating the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) for donations for the Food Pantry.

You may recall that most recently- due to the federal government’s narrowing of the list of items that “food stamps” covered – we were targeting specific categories. Now, even with more generous government assistance, the Food Pantry indicates that tissues, paper towels, personal care products, and pet food are particular needs.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of this Smith Church originated, community resource.

Family Promise Update

The families will continue to be housed in the parsonage in Henniker through July. Therefore, we are just looking for meals or gift cards for our next hosting week which is June 6-13.

At this point, we know that both families living in the parsonage are actively looking for housing, so we are not including family information, but Barbara will be sending out that information closer to our week. Thank you for supporting this important mission of our church.