Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Cookie Walk

Cookie Walk

It is hard to believe it is that time, but it is, and once again, Smith Church’s Annual Cookie Walk will be part of Hillsboro’s Old- Fashioned Christmas on Saturday, December 7th.

Beginning in November there will be a sign-up sheet on the buffet in the vestry with lots of places to sign up to help. There are places to sign up to call the church list for cookies, to make dough (recipes for the dough will also be on the buffet), to roll and cut cookies on Wednesday, December 4th, or to decorate the cookies also on Wednesday, the 4th. In addition, people are needed on Friday, December 6th to plate cookies and, of course on Saturday, December 7th to help the people pick out their favorite cookies.

There is also a place to add your name to the list to make 6 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies!

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