Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Annual Stewardship Campaign

Annual Stewardship Campaign

The Stewardship Committee held Stewardship Sunday on October 27th and the annual letters went out on Thursday October 17th. Currently we have received 17 pledges with $42,890.00 being committed to the church operating budget. If you haven’t received a Stewardship letter please contact Larry DeLacy at (603) 547-0625 and he will ensure you get your letter. For those that haven’t returned their pledge cards it’s not too late to fill them out and return them to the church. You can either put them in the collection plate during Sunday service or mail them to the church.

The Stewardships goal is to raise the funds from pledges to 50% up from 35% over the next 3 years. We thank everyone who contributed to this year’s Stewardship Drive and for those who give their time and talents to Smith Church in helping us reach our goal.

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