Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Remembering Victor Schmid

Remembering Victor Schmid

On Sunday, July 15th, at the Lower Village Chapel in Hillsboro, there will be a memorial service remembering and celebrating the life of our friend, Victor Schmid. The service will begin at 11:00 o’clock.

Victor passed away right before Christmas last year. The Rev. Peter Foss, former minister at Smith Memorial Congregational Church, will lead the service. On that Sunday, the Diaconate will hold a brief half hour service at our church so that people may then attend the memorial service. Victor and Trudy were both very active at our church over the years and it will be great to see Trudy and her family.

Following the service, there will be a reception and time of fellowship in the lower level of the chapel. Please note that the chapel is not handicap accessible. Smith Church will be helping the Ladies Aid society with the reception. Those who signed up to help with our new “Reception Committee” may be called on to bake a treat.

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