Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Deacon’s Pen

Deacon’s Pen

As I experience happenings in our church this summer, I am reminded of a verse in Genesis, “Surely God is in this place”. The other thought that runs through my head is from Ecclesiastes, 3:1, “To everything there is a season. A time for everything under the sun.”

For the Diaconate, starting the summer without a minister can be overwhelming. However this summer, our pulpit has been filled with wonderful ministers that more or less, just happened to be where we needed them to be at the right time.

We thank Elizabeth and Charles Hambrick-Stowe for leading inspiring worship. We are pleased to also welcome them into our membership. Rev. Dawn Berry has been here before and always leaves us thinking and ready to welcome her back. We are also pleased that she was chosen to work with our search committee. Was it hard to fill our pulpit? No, it took very little work for very rewarding results. Surely, God is in this place!

August comes next and with the new month, comes a new Interim Minister. The timing was perfect! (Our season). Rev. Carolyn Keilig might not have been available if our opening was earlier or later. She comes with much to offer our congregation and we are excited to have a person who will give pastoral care, and is interested in Christian Education. We will welcome her on August 5th.

It is our “season”, and surely we are blessed with God’s presence in this place!

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