Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

A Look Ahead for Youth Groups

A Look Ahead for Youth Groups

A lot of things still to be decided with the youth groups for the fall, but what we do know is that the SCENE will be moving to Thursday afternoons under the leadership of Jean Crowley and Barbara Daley. Joyful Noise will be moving to Wednesday mornings at 10 AM to stay out of the way of the WIC program. And RBA and the InCasts will be returning to our traditional Tuesday evenings.

Many thanks to Keith Audette and Fran Charron for stepping up to help with the youth groups this past year, and to Jean Crowley for being willing to work with the SCENE this coming year. We will keep you posted with details of the youth groups as we know them – and as always, thank you for your support of this ministry!

Barbara and Rusty

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