Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

A New, Fun Fundraiser!

A New, Fun Fundraiser!

As we prepare for what the October 20th Harvest Supper will be like this year, and as we resume in person activities and fundraisers, the Stewardship Committee will be having a Chinese Auction — also known as a Penny Raffle or Chance Auction — as a part of the event. This is essentially the combination of a silent auction and a raffle. Rather than having bid sheets, bidders buy tickets and use those to bid for prizes. The more you want something, the more tickets you put in the jar to increase your odds of winning.

Over the next few months we will be collecting items to auction by contacting various businesses, services and individuals in the area for donated products or gift cards. Creating these baskets or boxes is a part of the fun! They can be on any theme—from books, to foods, to crafts, to music, to sports, to toys, etc. Please think about your interests and how you can share that as a donated basket or box for others who share that interest. We are also seeking additional volunteers to help us connect in the community for items as well. Please be in touch with Mike Bradley or the church office to help or with any questions.

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