Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Author: g1bbyR0cks

May 13th – Mother’s Day Breakfast

Wondering what really nice thing you could do for your mother on Mother’s Day this year? Why not invite her to come to a delicious Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 13 from 9-10am in the vestry of the church, hosted by our youth groups. There is no charge, everyone is invited and of course, all mothers will be our very special guests.

Resignation of Pastor Duke Gray

The Deacons accepted the resignation of Pastor Duke Gray on Sunday, April 15, 2018. Pastor Duke will have led us in worship for almost a year. We will plan a time of thanks on his last Sunday, June 10, 2018. Some of us will be meeting with our Assistant Conference Minister, Richard Slater, as we plan for our future.

May 18th (Friday) Hymn Sing and Potluck Supper

Join us for an evening of fellowship and song as we enjoy a potluck supper and hymn sing on Friday, May 18th at the Deering Community Church. Bring a dish to share for the supper at 5:30pm, and raise your voice in song at 7:00pm as we sing new and familiar hymns! Mark your calendars!