Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Author: g1bbyR0cks

Live Music is in the Air at Smith Church

The Music Committee and the Diaconate were pleased to welcome Linda Bissonnette back to playing music live for our worship services beginning on June 27th. For over a year Linda had recorded the music for our worship services on Facebook so that we could continue to gather together remotely for worship. Linda has been resilient with all of the changes we have gone through to continue streaming the worship services. She has faithfully adapted to our various formats and has been diligent to be sure that we have followed all permissions to stream our music selections for our Sunday worship services. Linda has been able to keep the music going all the way through COVID and we are extremely thankful that she was willing to record music pieces to be included in our services.

Some of the challenges before us are following copyright laws in regard to any music played or performed, which would include primarily prelude, offertory and postlude music. The Music Committee, along with Linda and Donna and the technical streaming team, will continue to seek ways of continuing to include these musical pieces, as well as many choir pieces, while streaming the Sunday service on Facebook. We look forward to finding ways to continue our full music program for Sunday Services and will keep you posted on our progress in this area.

We are so glad to have Linda back with us “live,” as we re-build our music program piece by piece to return to our full music program. Welcome back Linda!

Smith Striders

Our stepping out across the country has been such a fun way to keep in touch with some of our Smith members and friends who are now living further away. We smiled when Joan Macfarlane mentioned our return trek back eastward ! And, oh dear! Just as we got closer to Janice Mellen in Vancouver, we learned she was back in New Hampshire until mid- August. You may encounter her walking around Hillsborough!

As we turn toward home, here’s a thought: Can we make it back to New Hampshire by or during September??? Lace up those shoes, carry lots of hydration sources, and let’s see…

Also, where in the world would you like to perambulate next? Please let Barbara know of your ideas as we begin our planning for the upcoming year.

Worship Services in July

Summer worship is at 9:30

July 4
Communion Sunday
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture Lessons: Ezekiel 2: 1-5, Mark 6: 1-13
Sermon: To Hear and Be Heard

July 11
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke 8: 42b-48
Sermon: The Holy God: To See, To Hear, To Share
Guest Preacher: Elizabeth Hambrick-Stowe

July 18
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 23; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Sermon: Christianity 1-2-3
Guest Preacher: Charles Hambrick-Stowe

July 25
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture Lessons: 2 Kings 4: 42-44, Psalm 145: 10-18, John 6: 1-21
Sermon: Hunger and Hope

Erie Canal Canoe Trip

Eleven canoeists completed the fifth segment in our goal to canoe the entire Erie Canal from June 20-24th, this time canoeing the 30-mile stretch of Oneida Lake from Lock #23 and taking out at Sylvan Beach. It was by far the most difficult paddling we have done so far as the lake can get windy with waves at different points causing us to pull out a few times and wait for calmer waters, and we definitely had some scary moments, but our experienced paddlers took it in stride.

We camped two of the nights – the first night at Lock #23 a few miles west of Oneida Lake and the second night at Johnson Bay Marina Campground – and then two nights in churches – Cleveland United Methodist Church where they were gracious in providing us with a delicious dinner, and then Vienna United Methodist Church on the last night before we headed home and had our traditional pizza at Ramunto’s in Brattleboro to end the adventure for this year.

We have all kinds of stories to tell so ask any of our paddlers to tell you about it – Jay Crowley, Barbara Daley, Meghan Pushee, Louis Nordlund, Ryan Gillett, Jacob Bachand, Josh Marshall, Emma Matteson, Holden Klumb, Abby Carroll, and Logan Lane.

Growth & Enrichment

If you recall the wonder of watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis or observing a child witness this, then you realize how apt the committee moniker of “Growth and Enrichment” is for this moment as Smith Church emerges from a hopefully dwindling pandemic.

Despite an extended hiatus, Smith Church is now stronger than ever, having grown in the many directions that have enriched us all. Some of the responses required quickly pivoting, for example, the offering of worship services on-line or meetings via Zoom. Others, such as the launching of a capital campaign fund drive and the installation of a new heating system were totally “new”. (Now, that took courage! And faith.) Finally, many folks remained behind the scenes, continuing the many outreach services perhaps with a twist (Such as delivering the monthly supplies for PJs and Pizza- or stitching masks instead of raffle quilts).

As we step out back into the world personally, we have grown, have been enriched, and are now ready to move forward in faith.

A New, Fun Fundraiser!

As we prepare for what the October 20th Harvest Supper will be like this year, and as we resume in person activities and fundraisers, the Stewardship Committee will be having a Chinese Auction — also known as a Penny Raffle or Chance Auction — as a part of the event. This is essentially the combination of a silent auction and a raffle. Rather than having bid sheets, bidders buy tickets and use those to bid for prizes. The more you want something, the more tickets you put in the jar to increase your odds of winning.

Over the next few months we will be collecting items to auction by contacting various businesses, services and individuals in the area for donated products or gift cards. Creating these baskets or boxes is a part of the fun! They can be on any theme—from books, to foods, to crafts, to music, to sports, to toys, etc. Please think about your interests and how you can share that as a donated basket or box for others who share that interest. We are also seeking additional volunteers to help us connect in the community for items as well. Please be in touch with Mike Bradley or the church office to help or with any questions.

On the Move – A Walking Update

Such interesting and good visits with our friends in Arizona! The variety of landscapes within our country never fail to amaze!

Hooray! Two of us, sidelined for some time, are back walking with us. Meanwhile, a couple more of us are benched for awhile, as the rest of us head for San Diego. When this initiative got underway in September, did you ever think your own personal mileage would accumulate to such numbers, or that TOGETHER, we would be closing in on 5000 miles?! Some things are truly so simple, but do make a difference.

Food Pantry Donations

As we return to in- person worship in the sanctuary, we are resuming designating the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) for donations for the Food Pantry.

You may recall that most recently- due to the federal government’s narrowing of the list of items that “food stamps” covered – we were targeting specific categories. Now, even with more generous government assistance, the Food Pantry indicates that tissues, paper towels, personal care products, and pet food are particular needs.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of this Smith Church originated, community resource.

Family Promise Update

The families will continue to be housed in the parsonage in Henniker through July. Therefore, we are just looking for meals or gift cards for our next hosting week which is June 6-13.

At this point, we know that both families living in the parsonage are actively looking for housing, so we are not including family information, but Barbara will be sending out that information closer to our week. Thank you for supporting this important mission of our church.

May Worship Services

May 2 – Communion Sunday, Fifth Sunday of Easter
Scripture Lessons: 1 John 4: 7-21, John 15: 1-8
Sermon: Risky Business

May 9 – Sixth Sunday of Easter
Scripture Lessons: 1 John 5:1-6, John 15:9-17
Sermon: Abide in His Love
Guest preacher-Charlie Hambrick-Stowe

May 16 – Ascension of the Lord
Scripture Lessons: Ephesians 1: 11-13, Luke 24: 44-53
Sermon: Glorious Inheritance

May 23
Strengthen the Church offering
Scripture Lessons: John 15: 26-27, 16:4b-15, Acts 2: 1-21
Sermon: To Your Advantage

May 30 – Trinity Sunday, Remembering Loved Ones
Scripture Lessons: Romans 8: 12-17, Isaiah 6:1-8
Sermon: Holy Three, Holy One