Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Author: g1bbyR0cks

G&E Walking Update

For the week ending March 19, our walking group walked 126.7 miles making our total distance walked now 3461 miles. We are just slightly east of Shreveport, Louisiana and have just 400 miles to go to reach our next stop in Lawton, Oklahoma.

Now that spring is here, keep those walking shoes on and keep adding those miles!

Youth Groups – THE SCENE

At our April SCENE meeting we welcomed a new friend, Liam, to the group. Many thanks to Greta Manley and family for the delicious snack, to Don Descoteaux for filling in for Jean Crowley, and to Logan and Landon Lane for helping out as well.

We talked about our quote of the month “Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible” and played lots of games – church BINGO, musical charades, and can you spot the difference.

Our last meeting of the year will be on Thursday, May 13, with a slightly extended time from 3:30-5pm. Our snack that day will be our traditional last meeting ice cream sundaes. We will provide the ice cream and whipped cream and ask that everyone bring an ice cream topping to share. We hope to see everyone, including Mrs. Crowley, at our May 13th meeting.

April Worship Services

April 1 Maundy Thursday 7PM
The Sacrament of Holy Communion and Ancient Order of Tenebrae

April 4 Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service
Intrepid Farm on Center Road at 6:15AM. This worship service is shared with the Deering Community Church, the Methodist Church, Valley Bible Chapel and St. Mary’s Church.

Easter Morning Worship Communion Sunday 10:30AM
Scripture Lessons: Acts 10: 34-43, Mark 16: 1-8
Sermon: Back to Galilee

April 11 Second Sunday of Easter 10:30AM
Scripture Lessons: 1 John 1: 1-2:2, John 20: 19-31
Sermon: Honest Uncertainty

April 18 Third Sunday of Easter 10:30AM
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 4, Luke 24: 36b-48
Sermon: Necessary Doubt

April 25 Fourth Sunday of Easter Good Shepherd Sunday 10:30AM
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 23, 1 John 3: 16-24, John 10: 11-18
Sermon: The Shepherd’s Care

Family Promise Update

Our week of Family Promise in March consisted of supplying meals to the families at the parsonage in Henniker. We started out with one mom and her 3 year old son, but by Tuesday, we added another mom and daughter. People volunteered to make a meal every night but Tuesday. We supplied our mom with a gift card for that night. Talking with her on our first Sunday, we learned that she had been freezing leftovers, so probably had plenty. We also supplied her with requested breakfast foods. Her son is very active and loves taking people on tours of the parsonage. A big thank you to all who prepared a meal.

Our next week is in early June and will probably be still just supplying meals to the parsonage. Meeting with the staff of Family Promise, we are hoping to get back to rotating to different churches in September. We will keep you informed.

Growth and Enrichment

With movement underway to reopen the whole church building and with real time/ real life gatherings a foreseeable possibility, plans are already in motion for the finale ( until the fall ), May Pjs and Pizza session to be a chance to enjoy seeing everyone again, and to enjoy our activities outside.
In the meantime, the children enjoyed the March selection, Cold Snap ! and related craft activity at home during an actual cold snap. Our April book and craft will likewise be delivered to the participants.

We’ve heard from some of you that you are still trying to obtain Maxwell King’s A Good Neighbor: the Life and Work of Fred Rogers or are in the midst of reading this somewhat longer book. These factors, plus the desire to actually get together to talk about the book, have prompted us to schedule the in person conversation on Sunday, May 16th at 11:30 AM in the vestry. The feedback about the book, in one word, has been “fascinating”. Do plan to join us and share your thoughts OR join us to determine whether the book intrigues you enough to read it.

It’s never too early to work toward getting our youth groups back on track! With the pandemic parameters and life events ( births, moves ) necessitating a stepping aside by some of the valued leaders, our youth group framework was noticeably impacted this year. As we begin to move back into the world, if this is an area that you think might be of interest to you as a way to serve and become connected, please contact Rev. Donna ( 464-3529 ) or Barbara Daley ( 464-5239 ) to chat and learn more about this exciting opportunity. The Smith Church originating youth groups for our Hillsborough community have, for decades, been an important outlet for our youth and a chance to explore places and experiences near and far. Community service and lots of adventures combine to introduce our youth to life-long responsible, satisfying personal paths.

Youth Groups – The SCENE

The SCENE met on Thursday, March 18 with an almost full group. Many thanks to Lincoln Descoteaux and family for bringing the snack and to his dad Don for filling in for Jean Crowley, and to Logan and Landon Lane, RBA members who also came to help out. We made Happy Spring cards to be delivered to our friends at Hillsboro House Nursing Home.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 15 from 3:30-4:30 PM – all in grades 1-5 are welcome to join us!

March Worship Services

Online worship continues on our Facebook page (, and there is also a link here on our website under the Worship/Sermons tab. Sunday Worship is live-streamed at 10:30, and is available as a recording after that.

March 7 Communion Sunday
Third Sunday in Lent
Scripture Lessons: Exodus 12: 12-20, Luke 22: 14-20
Sermon: Remembrance

March 14 One Great Hour of Sharing
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 24, 1 Tim 1: 12-17, Mark 10: 17-31
Sermon: Receiving

March 21
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 21: 1-7, 13, Rom 6: 1-11, 1 Cor 15: 1-11
Sermon: Resurrection

March 28
Palm Sunday
Sixth Sunday in Lent
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29, Mark 11: 1-11
Sermon: The Pathway

Our March Schedule

Weekly: Meditation on Fri at 7 pm
Exercise: Mon & Thurs at 10am

March 2: Trustees 7 pm
March 5: Podiatry Clinic
March 5: World Day of Prayer 4pm
March 10: Church Council 7 pm
March 14: Diaconate 12pm
March 14: G & E 3pm
March 18: The SCENE 3pm
March 19: KYP Deadline
March 28: Palm Sunday

Youth Groups – The Scene

Seven of our SCENE youth group members met on Thursday, February 18 in the vestry socially-distanced and with masks – so happy to have a meeting indoors this month!

Thanks to Jeremiah and Joy Daley for providing the snack for us. We talked about our highs and lows, played our hand chimes (given in memory of Jeremy Charron), had a good time just talking and catching up with each other, and played two new games – Spot the Difference and Musical Charades. We hope to have our next meeting on Thursday, March 18 from 3:30-4:30 PM if all goes well.

Annual Meeting on February 14, 2021

Pursuant to the By-Laws of Smith Memorial Congregational Church, UCC, an Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 14, 2021. The meeting will be held online via ZOOM. A small representative group will meet concurrently in the vestry of the church. Please watch your notifications regarding the link to be online. The meeting is called to act upon the following items of business:

  1. To hear and act upon reports and recommendations from the Minister and the committees of the Congregation, except as hereinafter set forth.
  2. To act upon the recommendations of the Nominating Committee to fill the offices for 2021.
  3. To consider and adopt a budget for the year 2021.
  4. To take up consideration for opening the doors to our church to resume our real-time church services. This discussion will involve timing and persons who will be involved in the decision making. This will involve input from all factions of the church. We will be continuing on-line church services, as they have been very well-received and well-attended.
  5. To act upon a request from the Growth and Evangelism committee to enact a By-Law change of name to “Growth and Enrichment,” as the committee has made great strides to look inward as well as outward to where our call reaches.
  6. To take up any other business that may lawfully come before this meeting.

Called by THE CHURCH COUNCIL, January 13, 2021