Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Author: g1bbyR0cks

Growth and Evangelism Committee

Anders Morley, the author of This Land of Snow: A Journey Across the North in Winter, that we have been reading for January has invited us to join in a webinar on Feb 9 at 8pm. This event is being hosted by the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee. In the meantime, the date for a discussion of Maxwell King’s Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers will be scheduled for March.

This endeavor, in partnership with the Stonebridge Montessori Preschool and the community at large, was a HUGE SUCCESS! Thanks to all who contributed. Our contributions made a difference.

The Smith Church walkers have hit their stride, and are perambulating vigorously around the country, stopping to “visit” with members and friends of Smith Church who are afar.

At the upcoming Annual Meeting, this committee is seeking a name change to better reflect the work that it does. We hope the body will support the committee title of GROWTH AND ENRICHMENT.

Pledges and Donations


Pledges and gifts to support the ministries of Smith Memorial Church may be received by mail or online.

By mail: Financial Secretary
P O Box 672–Hillsboro, NH 03244

Online pledge: click here. This link goes to our PayPal account, where you can pledge using PayPal, Credit Card or Debit Card.

Thank you for your generous support of our ministries.


There’s no question that many are beyond struggling during the pandemic. Nevertheless, we also know that here in New Hampshire, many are able to live comfortably without having to worry about the daily cost of living expenses. So, some of you may be wondering about just what to do with the government’s latest stimulus check.
Here’s a way to “pay it forward”; make a new year’s donation to the Capital Campaign Fund. In just half a year, such generous donations poured into the fund that Smith Church is now so close to reaching the goal of the drive. Won’t you consider helping to close that gap a bit more? Thank you.

The Scene

Nine of our SCENE members met outside the church on January 21, all dressed warmly to spend the hour outside. We had a short discussion about the hardest parts of the pandemic for each person, had an individually packed snack brought by Oliver and Addison (thanks, April!) And, then spent the rest of the time playing in the snow. We played snow tag with a pool noodle (thanks, Fran!), four square, and the highlight of the afternoon was painting pictures on the snow outside the church.

Many thanks to Don Descoteaux who manned the paint table and accommodated everyone’s requests for different colors, different brushes, more water, etc! You may be able to see our bright colors until the next snow covers them. We will plan on meeting again in February dependent on the pandemic and the weather.

Worship Services in January

January 3 – Communion Sunday
Second Sunday after Christmas
Scripture Lessons: Jeremiah 31: 7-14 & John 1: 1-18
Sermon: In the Beginning

January 10 – The Baptism of Christ
Scripture Lessons: Genesis 1: 1-5 & Mark 1: 4-11
Sermon: The Spirit Swept Over the Waters

January 17 – Second Sunday after Epiphany
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-18 & A Samuel; 3: 1-20
Sermon: Known and Loved

January 24 – Third Sunday after Epiphany
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 62: 5-12 & Mark 1: 14-20
Sermon: An Invitation

January 31 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Scripture Lessons: 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13 & Mark 1: 21-28
Sermon: Not a Stumbling Block

Update on the G&E Walking Program

We had a shortened week just before Christmas, so we did not quite make it to see Dave and Sue Parker in Marietta, Georgia. But we are only 50 miles from them so by New Year’s Eve we should definitely be there even with all the forecasted rain.

We added a new walker to our group this week – Ryan Philibert, who walked four times around Grimes Field with Barbara Daley and is inspired to dig out his old Fitbit and start contributing his miles.

PJs & Pizza

With the pandemic escalating, the children will receive their materials (everything but the pizza!), in the mail.

Many thanks to Charlie and Elizabeth Hambrick- Stowe for the December books. We will begin the new year and delve into winter fun with a story and a DYI at home craft about the creativity and kindness shown as a response to the Blizzard of ’78.

Christmas Eve Services and Activities

There will be two pre-recorded services posted on our Facebook page. The first service is a children’s service to tell the story in word and song as the creche set comes together. Our traditional service will be adapted as a pre-recorded virtual service, and include scenes and memories of Christmases past.

From 7-8pm, everyone is invited to come to the church front door for a Christmas blessing, music, and to receive an LED candle to bring your light to the world. This will be a masked, socially distanced and brief visit for everyone outside on the front steps. This is not a gathering but a quick stopping by anytime within the hour.

The Christmas tree from the sanctuary will be outside as the bring the church out into the world and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Fund

One of our annual 5 for 5 offerings through the United Church of Christ is The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund. The offering is administered through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the charitable arm of the Pension Boards.

Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties. Active and retired clergy, lay employees, and their surviving spouses may be eligible for the Supplementation of Small Annuities, Supplementation of Health Premiums, Emergency Grants, and/or Christmas “Thank You” Gift Checks.

To support this offering, special envelopes are available through the church office, or a check can be sent to the church with ‘The Christmas Fund’ in the memo line.

Cheerful and Most Generous Givers

The response to our Capital Campaign Fund Drive to off-set the cost of the new heating system has been incredible! To date, $ 91,380.77 has been received outright, with some $2,300 pledged as future giving. All of this occurring in the midst of a pandemic is truly remarkable.

We know that the overlay of the Covid-19 virus has created additional struggle for many folks. For some of us, it’s a day by day, hour by hour attempt to just maintain. Others of us, however, find ourselves in a position of extending our giving.

For those folks, we offer a couple of thoughts: Even prior to the pandemic, in an effort to simplify our lives, some of us have set aside the shopping/making and have chosen instead to make charitable contributions in someone’s name. The Capital Campaign presents such an opportunity, and if your honoree happens to visit Smith Church, the scope of such a gift will immediately be realized.

Others of us have another tradition ~ that of making charitable donations at year’s end in preparation for tax time early in the new year. Again, this fund would provide the chance for a gift that truly keeps on giving over the years.

Once again, we express our heartfelt thanks for all of the contributions to this project and look forward to the time when all of us may once again gather in the historic building that houses the unique fellowship of Smith Church.

Again, Thanks from the committee.

Pam Cornwell, Barbara Daley, Joan DeBrine, Larry DeLacy, Doug Hatfield, Pastor Donna Vuilleumier

First 2021 Smith Church Book Selection

This Land of Snow – Cross country skiing is like “walking in cursive”. So writes Anders Morley. The author now splitting his time between Littleton, NH and Italy, recounts his trek across Canada on skiis ~ a journey as much into the soul as it is into the frigid heart of sparsely populated interior Canada.

Life’s lessons, an attempt at finding oneself, little known facts about the natural world’s adaptations to winter, gaining a fresh perspective all pop up in Morley’s account. As we settle into the winter months, those who thrive on the out-of-doors, relish winter, are camping enthusiasts, recall youthful adventures that shaped their later adult lives may nod in agreement with Morley’s personal givens and what his life journey provided him.

The date for discussing this book, available in hard and soft cover and on Audible will be announced as well as the format for sharing our thoughts about the book. Look for such announcement. Both of these titles would make nice gifts for the holidays.

On Friday, December 4th, at 3 PM, we will meet to share our impressions of Elizabeth Berg’s novel Year of Pleasures, about Betta Nolan who promised her husband that, upon his death, she would pick up the pieces and move to a small town and create a satisfying new life for herself.