Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Capital Campaign Update

Capital Campaign Update

The letters to the members and friends of Smith Church, the local Hillsboro businesses and the present and former Youth Group members have been sent. Thanks to the excellent coverage in the Concord Monitor, the Stonebridge Post and The Messenger, the community is aware of our project. We are on our way!

We’re off to a very good start with 100% of the committee making their commitment. In addition, We have received a couple of major gifts and with a $10,000.00 contribution from the Deborahs, we have $70,000.00 as of this report. Further, we have secured a loan with very favorable rates of $25,000.00 from the New Hampshire Conference, UCC.

This is just the beginning and we are optimistic that we can reach our goal of $125,000.00. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the committee: Pam Cornwell; Barbara Daley; Joan DeBrine; Larry DeLacy; Doug Hatfield; Pastor Donna Vuilleumier.

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