Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News April 2019

New Caring Connections Group

The Church Council’s 2020 Vision plan calls for a revitalization of a ministry to those in our congregation who are facing life challenges or transitions. The Deacons have asked Harry Morehouse to lead “Caring Connections” whose mission will be to reach out to those members and friends who would appreciate added contact and connection with Smith Church.

Harry will be seeking volunteers who would enjoy the opportunity to visit, make phone calls, or send cards as part of Caring Connections. All volunteers will be asked to attend a monthly meeting and take part in pastor led training to be a visitor.

Growth and Evangelism Committee Pot Luck and Paper Bag Skit Night

Are you looking for a creative way to spend a Friday night? The G&E committee is planning a potluck and paper bag skit night on Friday, May 10th. If you have been on our retreats, you have probably participated in paper bag skits. If you have not, you are in for a fun night!

The potluck will begin at 6 PM with our committee providing drinks and desserts. Everyone is invited! Do you have a neighbor who might enjoy a night out? Invite them to join us. We will have sign up sheets on the bulletin board at the church, but if you don’t get a chance to sign up, you are still welcome.

Youth Groups and 20 Somethings


By the time you read this, some of the 20-somethings will be visiting sugar houses and sampling some goodies for Maple weekend. They welcome all 20-somethings (give or take a few years) who wish to join them at their monthly events. Contact Brian Crowley at 603-809-7047 or for more information or to be part of the Facebook chat group.


We meet every Tuesday night from 6-7:30 PM and would love to have more youth in grades 6-8 join us. Please contact Tyler (491-4126; or Jenna (910-709-6132; or Barbara (464-5239; for more information.


The SCENE meeting in March was centered around a well-received meditation exercise by Jean Crowley, in addition to some active games, free time in the newly-painted nursery, a delicious snack brought by Jack Hebert, and as always, some discussion and sharing of our highs and lows. Our next meeting will be April 18 from 3:30-5 PM. Please get in touch with Jean Crowley (464-4013 or or Barbara Daley (464-5239 or if you have someone in grades 1-5 who might be interested in the group.


It was a pleasure to hear Joyful Noise sing in worship on March 3 with their enthusiastic singing of Rise and Shine and I’ve Got the Joy of the Lord. We are always happy to have new singers join us – please contact Barbara Daley if you are interested.