Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News February 2019

2019 Annual Meeting

Pursuant to the By-Laws of Smith Memorial Congregational Church, UCC, The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 10, 2019, following the church service. The meeting will be held in the vestry of the church, to act upon the following items of business:

  1. To hear and act upon reports and recommendations from the minister and the committees of the congregation, except as hereinafter set forth.
  2. To act upon the recommendations of the Nominating Committee to fill the offices for 2019.
  3. To consider and adopt a budget for the year 2019.
  4. To take up any other business that may lawfully come before this meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy B. Steen, Moderator

There will be a spaghetti luncheon to be shared with all after the Annual Meeting. ~ given by Harry Morehouse

Youth Groups and 20 Somethings


The 20-somethings got together on January 4 for a fun night of Board games at the home of Martha and Ryan Halverson-Dahl, playing some rowdy games of Codenames and Apples to Apples. This is a very fun group and definitely the place you want to be if you are in your 20’s, give or take a few years. They welcome all 20-somethings who wish to join them at their monthly events. Contact Brian Crowley at 603-809 -7047 or for more information or to be part of the Facebook chat group.


We are beginning our first fundraiser of the year – and we are asking you to collect your spare change for the next 7 weeks to help us raise money for our spring mission trip/road trip in late March to the coast of Maine. The decorated jars will be available in church this Sunday, January 20 and we will be collecting the filled jars on Sunday, March 3 (of course we will always take money any time it is offered to us!). If you would like us to deliver a jar to you or pick it up when it is filled, please call Barbara Daley at 464-5239.

This has been a great fundraiser for us in the past and we THANK YOU for supporting our efforts! We meet every Tuesday night from 6-7:30 PM and would love to have more youth in grades 6-8 join us. Please contact Tyler (491-4126; or Jenna (910-709-6132; or Barbara (464-5239; for more information.


The SCENE met on Thursday afternoon, January 17. We enjoyed our after-snack of fruit and goldfish (and Mickey Mouse) crackers brought by Jack Hebert, shared our highs and lows, talked about the real meaning of Christmas, made winter collages that you can see downstairs in the vestry, and congratulated one of our members Jack Hebert on his spelling bee win at H-D Elementary school. Our next meeting is February 21 from 3:30-5 PM and we invite any youth in grades 1-5 to join us. Please contact Jean Crowley (464-4013; or Barbara Daley (464-5239;

Prepared to Serve

Saturday, February 23, 2019 – Prepared to Serve
A learning event designed for all church members in the New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ!  Over 50 workshops will be offered on a variety of topics including stewardship, spirituality, church leadership, church finances, global missions and Christian education.  Join us for worship, workshops, exhibits and more! Follow this link to see the brochure:
Follow this link to register: