Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News April 2020

April Worship Information

Anticipate that all will be recorded at the parsonage and uploaded to our Facebook page The WMUR website also links to churches worshipping online.


Communion Sunday—we will bless the bread and cup you choose to use at home.
Scripture Lessons: Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29, Matthew 21: 1-11
Sermon: Hosanna


Instead of the traditional service and vigil, please read a /some Gospel Scriptures about the passion narrative of Christ:
Matthew 21-28
Mark 11-16
Luke 19-24
John 12-21
Please also consider watching a movie such as ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’, or The King of Kings’.

Here are some questions to consider as you read or watch:

  1. What is most striking to you about the different Gospel readings?
  2. At the Last Supper each of the gospels refers to Jesus and the disciples ‘sang the hymn’ after the first Communion. They sang Psalms 113 and 114, one is about God being the helper of the needy and the other is about God’s wonders during the Exodus, so this truly was a Passover celebration. Does that surprise you?
  3. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays but cannot get the disciples to stay awake and pray with him or wait for him, yet what he prays is documented. How is that possible? The two beliefs for that are either the disciples were dozing/resting their eyes so not really asleep and unaware, or ‘sleep’ is a symbolic reference that they were too anxious and concerned to be near him for fear of what was expected to be happening. What do you think of those potential explanations.
  4. How does the imagery of a movie connect with your images and understanding of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

April 12 – EASTER

Due to the pandemic we will not be having a sunrise service, breakfast and then a glorious worship service in the sanctuary. We will be mindful that the first Easter did not happen at a church, but rather outside of an empty tomb while the disciples were in hiding at home, grieving the death of Jesus, and fearful of what was happening.
Scripture Lessons: Jeremiah 31: 1-6, John 20: 1-18, Acts 10: 34-43
Special Music: John Brinton and Pam Stohrer
Sermon: An Everlasting Love

April 19

Scripture Lessons: Psalm 16, John 20: 19-31
Sermon: Locked

April 26

Scripture Lessons: Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19, Luke 24: 13-35
Sermon: Opening Our Eyes

Food Pantry Update – Generosity Evident Again

Because of YOUR generosity, the shopping cart was indeed filled to the brim with personal care and cleaning supplies dedicated during the March 1st offering. Highlighting such products as Smith Church’s donation to the Food Pantry is making a difference.

Who could have predicted that selecting such items as our contribution would prove to be so timely ? With the novel coronavirus the current event, these products are even more important.
Our April 5th collection and dedication will still qualify for this year’s annual fund-raising campaign by the Food Pantry. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated!

The Food Pantry is operating differently during the pandemic. Any donation deliveries can be delivered between 4:30 and 5pm on Tuesdays. Please bring them to the back door on the loading dock, knock on the door to get the attention of the volunteers, return to your vehicle and the volunteer will pick up the donation. For distribution of food, the window facing the bank will be where clients drive up to check in and then are able to pick up the bags on the front porch. The pantry will be open from 5-7pm. This temporary system allows for safe social distancing, especially as many clients have compromised immune systems.

As we will not be gathering together for worship on Palm/Communion Sunday, our monthly donation offering can instead be a check made out to the Hillsboro District Food Pantry at 3 Church St.