Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News August 2019

Rally Day Celebration

Save the date! Growth and Evangelism is planning on a Rally Day Celebration on September 8th after church. It is our first 10:30 service after a busy summer. We welcome back our wonderful choir and we need to mentally prepare for a busy fall.

We will gather at the lake house of Rob Charron. Hamburgers, hot dogs and lemonade will be supplied. Please bring a side dish to share. Weather permitting, swimming, kayaking, and boat rides. Conversation and a chance to relax with our church family, is there a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

Prayer Shawl

The August gathering of the Prayer Shawl group will be Wednesday, August 21 st , at 10:00, at Judy Hatfield’s house.

Everyone is welcome, whether it is one time or many, to join in a morning of conversation, refreshments and knitting…if you choose to. If you would like to knit, yarn, needles and directions are all provided.

If this is a first time for you and you have questions or need directions to my house, call me, Judy Hatfield at 464-3458.

The Harvest Supper

This year the Harvest Supper will be held on Wednesday, October 16th.

Time flies and even though it is 3 months away it’s a good time to think about what contribution you could make. Dinner rolls, pies or volunteering to cook a turkey are great ways to help make this year’s dinner a success.

Watch for more information in the next KYP and in the Digital Steeple.

Caring Connections

Caring Connections is looking for two kinds of help from Smith members and friends:

1-If you are aware of anyone in the community that could use some support, a phone call, an in-person visit, or practical help like rides or stacking firewood, please let the committee know (Harry Morehouse is the contact);

2- If you are able to help out with support, outreach, practical assistance, the CC group would welcome your participation. So far we have Harry, Judy Hatfield, and Mike Bradley, so would welcome other participants.

Again, contact Harry. Thanks!