Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News August 2020

Church Building Reopening Task Team

Our committee to reopen our sanctuary has met twice. One of our first solutions to our present situation, is to have hymnals available for people to have during our services outside. Linda plays the hymns, but since the hymns are chosen especially for the scriptures, it would be nice to have the words in front of us, so we could sing along in our head. People will be given a hymnal such as signing a book out of the library, take the hymnals home with them and bring them to Sunday services. This will also be your hymnal when we again are worshipping in the sanctuary. We started this July 26. If you are worshipping at home, and would like one, stop in and sign it out, or call the church office and one can be brought to you.

When we return to upstairs worship, people will enter the narthex, and one set of stairs will be for going up, the other for coming down. People will be expected to wear masks and stay socially distanced from each other.

Realizing that our sanctuary is fairly large, we have spoken about how to space people. People in the same family can sit together. All others need to sit 6 feet from others. We are considering assigning pews, keeping some for one-time visitors. Every week you would be expected to sit in the same pew.

Planning for a wedding in October, with many visitors, is still being worked on. Meanwhile, let’s hope for sunny Sunday’s until after Labor Day, and enjoy worshiping out in the splendor of our back lawn.

Members of this team are Fran Charron Harry Morehouse, Nancy Niven and Debbie Gray.

Music News

Heather Daley and family/friends have submitted several musical selections for us to use in our worship services. Mike Bradley is going to play guitar for the offertory at our August 16 service.

Sandra Mullaney, the arranger of the handbell piece that we have recorded Be Now my Vision, has granted us permission to use that recording in our worship service, and thanked us for reaching out. We’ll use the handbell piece later in August.

Gary Lanier, the arranger of several of our flute/piano duets that John Brinton and Linda Bissonnette have done and recorded has granted permission to share the recordings of those duets which folks have enjoyed We are very blessed!

Senior Living Exercise

Our exercise program for seniors has resumed. We meet Monday’s and Thursdays at 10 AM. Weights are provided, although during the pandemic, we are asking you to bring a bag to put them in.

When possible, we will meet out in back of the church in the shade. Outside, we can spread out and exercise without our masks on.

Depending on weather conditions, we sometimes will be spread out in the vestry. Inside, we need to wear masks, have our temperatures taken and answer questions about our health.

Exercises were developed by Tufts University, especially for seniors. Everyone starts at their own level. All are welcome!