Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News July 2020

Worship Services in July

Through Labor Day weekend we will be worshipping at 9:30 on Sundays on the lawn between the church and the Dubben House. Chairs will be available, but you may also bring your own. We will also be live-streaming the service on our Facebook page: This is same link as the pre-recorded service. If you miss the live event the service is recorded and remains available. Please join us for a ZOOM coffee hour at 11.

In case of rain we will worship in the vestry. This is a change in original planning based on the success of the hybrid Zoom/vestry in-person Quarterly meeting. Once the task team has established safe guidelines for cleaning the sanctuary we can anticipate worshipping there.

It always bears repeating that we were all locked down at the same time, but our return will and must be a personal choice. We have creatively adapted, and will continue to refine, the ability to worship and meet in a hybrid format online and in-person.

Youth Groups News

Rev. Vuilleumier hosted pizza at the parsonage for the youth leaders of RBA and the InCasts on Tuesday, June 23. The group discussed what the next season will look like. Rusty Wightman and Jessica Granger agreed to continue as leaders of InCasts and are looking forward to the fall season. Tyler and Jenna Vaughan offered their resignation as youth leaders of RBA looking ahead to August when they will be welcoming a baby girl to their family and Barbara Daley also offered her resignation as a co-leader of RBA. A lot of time was spent brainstorming for potential youth leaders for RBA and Donna will take the lead on finding new youth leaders. The evening ended with Donna thanking all of the leaders for their work this year.

This year was Barbara Daley’s 20th year as a youth leader at Smith Church and she decided last fall that this would be her last year with the good round number of 20 years completed. Barbara enjoyed working with many leaders in RBA and InCasts over the years – Jay Crowley, Dave Dick, Heather Veitch, Sonya Edsall, Keith Audette, Fran Charron, Rusty Wightman, Jessica Granger, and Tyler and Jenna Vaughan. She has loved being a part of the amazing youth program at Smith Church and will miss the interaction with all of the youth, but it feels this is the right time to ” retire.” Thank you all for all the fun and laughter and conversations and adventures!