Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News May 2020

Growth and Evangelism

During this time of “social distancing” while we are not worshipping at Smith and contributing to the Food Pantry on the first Sunday of each month, G & E would like to suggest an alternative way of giving.

Several members / friends of Smith Church are on “the front lines” during this pandemic – putting their lives at risk as they serve us. Folks in this capacity include health care providers, first responders, postal workers, grocery store employees, etc. Simultaneously, small businesses here in town are desperately trying to stay afloat. If you know of someone at the forefront, we suggest that you buy a gift card to one of our local eateries and give it to them.

Interested, but need help in finding someone? G & E is developing a list and can help you. G & E members: Fran Charron, Pam Cornwell, Val Kulbacki, Sue Fournier, Barbara Daley, Monique Kayden, Don Descoteaux

Strengthen the Church Offering

The Strengthen the Church offering is one of our ‘5 for 5’ special mission offerings during the year as it supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support of this offering will help the UCC fulfill on its commitment to creating a just world for all by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the emerging needs of local communities.

As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. This annual offering will be received on Pentecost, May 31.

In addition to our generous giving to this offering over the years, we have also benefitted from the giving of others, as Barbara Daley wrote:

The Strengthen the Church fund was established to grow the United Church of Christ’s future by initiatives that promote growth and renewal. The New Hampshire Conference has directed these funds to use for developing and nurturing youth programs. the youth groups at Smith Church have been the beneficiaries of this fund twice for our Washington DC mission/sightseeing trips in 2017 and 2020 in the amount each time of a $2500 grant. This, along with donations from the Trustees to pay for our rental van and our fundraising and payments from parents, has enabled us to make these trips very affordable for our youth and has allowed everyone who wishes to go the opportunity to do so. Please give generously to this much-appreciated offering!