Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News November 2019

Family Promise Week

Our next week of hosting Family Promise guests is November 3 to 10! Many thanks to the 27 different individuals from our community who have stepped forward to take part! That number does not include our youth group who have also taken a night to provide dinner and host. We are expecting 3 families this time, 2 of whom were also herein September. We usually do not host in the winter months because of our distance from Concord, so our next week will be in March. Thanks to all our volunteers for helping with this important ministry, you are awesome!

Hillsborough Food Pantry

The Food Pantry services so many. Through many channels, it is usually able to meet the food needs of our neighbors. HOWEVER, did you know that SNAP (formerly known as “food stamps”) does not cover such non-food items as: household paper goods ( tissues, toilet paper, paper towels ), household cleansers (laundry detergent, cleaners) , personal care products (deodorant, toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc.), feminine hygiene products, diapers, pet foods, etc.? There is a vital need among the food pantries across the state for such items. With possible budget cuts to SNAP looming, the need for non-food items to help families stretch their budget is going to be even greater.

To assist with this current and growing need, Smith Church is re-energizing its Food Pantry donation campaign. On the first Sunday of each month, worshippers are encouraged to donate items in these non-food categories and deposit them in the large wicker baskets at the top of each stairway into the sanctuary. During the offertory on those Sundays (Communion Sunday), a representative collection of these products will be brought forward to the altar as well. We will begin this outreach on November 3rd and continue monthly, going forward.

Annual Stewardship Campaign

The Stewardship Committee held Stewardship Sunday on October 27th and the annual letters went out on Thursday October 17th. Currently we have received 17 pledges with $42,890.00 being committed to the church operating budget. If you haven’t received a Stewardship letter please contact Larry DeLacy at (603) 547-0625 and he will ensure you get your letter. For those that haven’t returned their pledge cards it’s not too late to fill them out and return them to the church. You can either put them in the collection plate during Sunday service or mail them to the church.

The Stewardships goal is to raise the funds from pledges to 50% up from 35% over the next 3 years. We thank everyone who contributed to this year’s Stewardship Drive and for those who give their time and talents to Smith Church in helping us reach our goal.

RBA Activities

Our November adventure is a day trip to Salem, MA to explore the town and visit the Witch Museum. And as a special treat our meeting on Tuesday, November 5 will be held at Tyler and Jenna’s house (44 Jefferson Drive) from 4-5:30 PM to take advantage of the daylight – and the no school day – for some outside games (and appetizers provided by Jenna!)

Looking ahead to our Washington DC adventure, our fundraising begins now with our first fundraiser being our traditional selling of Shares of Stock in RBA. Please see insert in the KYP for the sales form and more information!

Cookie Walk

It is hard to believe it is that time, but it is, and once again, Smith Church’s Annual Cookie Walk will be part of Hillsboro’s Old- Fashioned Christmas on Saturday, December 7th.

Beginning in November there will be a sign-up sheet on the buffet in the vestry with lots of places to sign up to help. There are places to sign up to call the church list for cookies, to make dough (recipes for the dough will also be on the buffet), to roll and cut cookies on Wednesday, December 4th, or to decorate the cookies also on Wednesday, the 4th. In addition, people are needed on Friday, December 6th to plate cookies and, of course on Saturday, December 7th to help the people pick out their favorite cookies.

There is also a place to add your name to the list to make 6 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies!