Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News September 2020

Heating System Replacement and Capital Campaign Underway

The replacement of the old steam heating system with a modern, efficient, seven-zone, hot water system is nearing completion. The new radiators look good and do not compromise the historic appearance of the church’s interior.

Following the vote at the quarterly meeting on June 28th, a Capital Campaign Committee was formed and has started its work. The committee consists of Pam Cornwell, Barbara Daley, Joan DeBrine, Larry DeLacy, Doug Hatfield, and Pastor Donna Vuilleumier.

The committee has a goal of raising at least $125,000 toward the estimated cost of $200,000. The initial funding for the project is coming from our endowment funds. Recognizing that the endowment funds are currently paying a substantial part of the church’s annual budget, the Capital Campaign funds raised will reimburse the endowment principal. After much discussion, the committee voted unanimously not to consider selling the Dubben House at this time. The committee plans to reach out to local businesses, the groups and the many individuals who use and benefit from our church, Smith Church members and friends, as well as youth group members over the years.

We will keep you up-dated on the progress and look forward to enjoying a toasty warm church this winter.

September Family Promise Week

Our next Family Promise week is September 13- September 20. As of right now, there are two families in the program. Both families are being housed in cabins at a campground in Henniker. The cabins have kitchens. Therefore, we are thinking gift cards which allow them to buy food to prepare are a good idea. However, because Henniker is close, there might be people who would like to prepare a meal and deliver it to the campground. One of the families is a Hillsboro family of a mom and 3 children.

We will be putting out an email encouraging you to either give a gift certificate or a meal. We will also accept checks and we will use the money to buy gift cards. Once again, we will not need any other help.

Growth & Evangelism

RALLY DAY, Sunday, September 13th following church
While socializing at this year’s Rally Day will be a bit different, the sense of the church year getting underway will definitely be felt. Do plan to gather with us at Manahan Park Beach, bringing food for your family to enjoy, and “relishing” the chance to chat with one another while socially distanced. There will be no Coffee Hour that Sunday.

PJs and PIZZA group for children, ages 3 ~ 7 resuming
Plans are underway for the fun activity/ religious/ supper format for our younger friends. Tentatively, the group will reconvene in mid- October.

We are in the process of putting together a new format for a book study, minus the constraints of book clubs. Each month, a title will be suggested. Those who wish to read that particular selection would do so, sourcing the book individually. Then, on the designated “Book of the Month” day, a group would convene, in person and via Zoom, for those who wish to discuss the book. If you have a favorite book (best seller, religious, any genre) please call or e-mail Donna to suggest your ideas by Sept 15.