Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Cheerful and Most Generous Givers

Cheerful and Most Generous Givers

The response to our Capital Campaign Fund Drive to off-set the cost of the new heating system has been incredible! To date, $ 91,380.77 has been received outright, with some $2,300 pledged as future giving. All of this occurring in the midst of a pandemic is truly remarkable.

We know that the overlay of the Covid-19 virus has created additional struggle for many folks. For some of us, it’s a day by day, hour by hour attempt to just maintain. Others of us, however, find ourselves in a position of extending our giving.

For those folks, we offer a couple of thoughts: Even prior to the pandemic, in an effort to simplify our lives, some of us have set aside the shopping/making and have chosen instead to make charitable contributions in someone’s name. The Capital Campaign presents such an opportunity, and if your honoree happens to visit Smith Church, the scope of such a gift will immediately be realized.

Others of us have another tradition ~ that of making charitable donations at year’s end in preparation for tax time early in the new year. Again, this fund would provide the chance for a gift that truly keeps on giving over the years.

Once again, we express our heartfelt thanks for all of the contributions to this project and look forward to the time when all of us may once again gather in the historic building that houses the unique fellowship of Smith Church.

Again, Thanks from the committee.

Pam Cornwell, Barbara Daley, Joan DeBrine, Larry DeLacy, Doug Hatfield, Pastor Donna Vuilleumier

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