Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Family Promise Week in September

Family Promise Week in September

During our week with Family Promise we were happy to welcome back Samantha and her two 8 year old daughters and meet a new family consisting of Zina, John and Jack. It is amazing to see how the families adapt to changing their living conditions every week. They were all delightful.

Equally amazing are the people in our community who come forward to support this important ministry. Thanks to all who cooked meals, visited with, slept overnight and did the set up and take down, including the laundry at the end of the week. Last but not least, thanks to our transporter who moves their belongings to the next church.

Although we are the farthest church for the families to get to, they appreciate the home atmosphere that we offer, including a private room, showers and an open kitchen. Our next week is in November. We try not to take winter weeks because of the distance to travel.

Thank you! Barbara and Fran

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