Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Family Promise Update

Family Promise Update

Our week of Family Promise in March consisted of supplying meals to the families at the parsonage in Henniker. We started out with one mom and her 3 year old son, but by Tuesday, we added another mom and daughter. People volunteered to make a meal every night but Tuesday. We supplied our mom with a gift card for that night. Talking with her on our first Sunday, we learned that she had been freezing leftovers, so probably had plenty. We also supplied her with requested breakfast foods. Her son is very active and loves taking people on tours of the parsonage. A big thank you to all who prepared a meal.

Our next week is in early June and will probably be still just supplying meals to the parsonage. Meeting with the staff of Family Promise, we are hoping to get back to rotating to different churches in September. We will keep you informed.

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