Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Growth and Evangelism

Growth and Evangelism

During this time of “social distancing” while we are not worshipping at Smith and contributing to the Food Pantry on the first Sunday of each month, G & E would like to suggest an alternative way of giving.

Several members / friends of Smith Church are on “the front lines” during this pandemic – putting their lives at risk as they serve us. Folks in this capacity include health care providers, first responders, postal workers, grocery store employees, etc. Simultaneously, small businesses here in town are desperately trying to stay afloat. If you know of someone at the forefront, we suggest that you buy a gift card to one of our local eateries and give it to them.

Interested, but need help in finding someone? G & E is developing a list and can help you. G & E members: Fran Charron, Pam Cornwell, Val Kulbacki, Sue Fournier, Barbara Daley, Monique Kayden, Don Descoteaux

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