Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Growth and Evangelism Committee

Growth and Evangelism Committee

We have revitalized the Growth and Evangelism Committee, better known as G&E. Our first two endeavors have concluded. On May 10th we sponsored a pot luck supper. Although we had planned to also do paper bag skits, we abandoned that idea when people were happy just to enjoy a good meal and visit.

Our second endeavor was a book study of Kate Braestrup’s book, “Here If You Need Me.” We met four consecutive Monday nights to discuss some of the ideas presented. This is a true story of a woman who became the first chaplain for search and rescue missions in Maine after losing her husband, a Maine State Trooper. The story is told with humor, faith and sadness. Our town library has a copy of the book. We found it well worth the read. Thanks to Pastor Carolyn for leading the discussions which prompted much sharing.

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