Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Growth & Enrichment

Growth & Enrichment

If you recall the wonder of watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis or observing a child witness this, then you realize how apt the committee moniker of “Growth and Enrichment” is for this moment as Smith Church emerges from a hopefully dwindling pandemic.

Despite an extended hiatus, Smith Church is now stronger than ever, having grown in the many directions that have enriched us all. Some of the responses required quickly pivoting, for example, the offering of worship services on-line or meetings via Zoom. Others, such as the launching of a capital campaign fund drive and the installation of a new heating system were totally “new”. (Now, that took courage! And faith.) Finally, many folks remained behind the scenes, continuing the many outreach services perhaps with a twist (Such as delivering the monthly supplies for PJs and Pizza- or stitching masks instead of raffle quilts).

As we step out back into the world personally, we have grown, have been enriched, and are now ready to move forward in faith.

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