Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Hospice Lights Of Life Celebration

Hospice Lights Of Life Celebration

Hospice Lights of Life Celebration

Once again this year, one of the annual celebrations of Lights of Life will be held in the sanctuary of Smith Church on Monday, December 3rd, at 3:00. This is a short, but meaningful ceremony led by Hospice remembering and honoring those we have loved and who have passed away. Please consider attending this year.

Also, do you have a friend or family member you would like honored and inscribed on the Hospice Lights of Life Honor Roll? Those honored do not need to have been a part of the Hospice Program. They only need to have held a special place in your heart. If you have names you would like added to the list, please call Fran Charron at 464-3630 or email her at by November 15th when the list will be sent in.

The Honor Roll will be printed in the Concord Monitor on December 20th

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