Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Growth & Evangelism Unveils New Walking Program

Growth & Evangelism Unveils New Walking Program

Sponsored by the G&E committee, we invite you to join us in walking, walking, walking! We have several different routes planned and our first route will be walking from Smith Church to Florida, virtually stopping to visit our friends along the way and hoping to be in Florida to virtually visit all our snowbirds in the winter to enjoy the warmer weather there. We will be keeping track on a big map of the United States downstairs in the vestry and all you have to do to participate is to keep track of the miles you walk (outdoors, indoors, on a treadmill, any way you want) and send your weekly totals to Barbara Daley ( or 603-464-5239) every Friday morning to be updated on our map.

We have many stops planned along this first route, including those on the Smith Church address list, but we are happy to add any personal stops you would like to include along the way. I know it personally motivates my walking to know I will be stopping to visit Trudy Schmid in Massachusetts, Fay Tomlinson in New Jersey, and my cousin Frankie in South Carolina so feel free to send me names and towns that you would like added to the list. The last stop in Florida before we start on our second route will be Josh Varga in Navarre, Florida and I am sure he will have lemonade and cookies for us when we get there (heads up, Josh!) The great thing about these virtual visits, we don’t have to worry if people will be home, if they are quarantined, if they didn’t have time to clean the house, or if they actually want us to visit them.

No fair logging miles you have already walked, and the starting water pistol goes off right now – so let’s all get walking!

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