Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Smith Church News

October 2021 News

Worship Services in October
Worship Services in October
October 3 @ 10:30am World Communion Sunday Neighbors in Need Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: 1 Corinthians 12 Sermon: The Body of Christ October 10 @ 10:30am Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: Amos 5: 6-7, 10-15, Mark 10: 17-31 Sermon: What Must I Do? October 17 @ 10:30am ...
Lemonade on the Lawn
Lemonade on the Lawn
Please join us after worship on Oct 3 and Oct 10 for Lemonade on the Lawn, an outdoor (weather permitting) social hour after worship. At the Church Council meeting on Oct13th we will assess whether or not to return to a more traditional Coffee Hour ...
Steve Blunt Concert - PJs and Pizza
Steve Blunt Concert – PJs and Pizza
We are so excited to have Steve Blunt, musician of great fun children’s concerts join us on the church side lawn and lead us in some upbeat, “smileable” songs with lots of opportunity for participation. The date for this kick-off for the year’s schedule of PJs and Pizza sessions for ...
Youth Group News
Youth Group News
The SCENE had their first meeting of the season on Thursday, September 16 starting with seven members and we know of three more who will be joining us in October. We really appreciated the help of "Mr. Don" and Landon Lane (who is getting community service hours from the middle ...

September 2021 News

Worship Services in September
Worship Services in September
Summer worship is at 9:30am. Beginning September 12th we return to worship at 10:30am. September 5 @ 9:30 Communion Sunday Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 35: 4-7, Mark 7:24-37 Sermon: Be Opened September 12 @ 10:30 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 50:4-9, Mark 8:27-38 Sermon: Who ...
Rally Day September 12th
Rally Day September 12th
Looking for a way to re-emerge and reconnect with folks? RALLY DAY is just the thing. We will gather at the Manahan Park Pavilion on Pierce Lake on Sunday, September 12th, 2021, after worship from about noon until 2 PM. Since we’ll be under cover, weather should not be a ...
KICK-OFF EVENT To kick off the coming year of monthly PJs and PIZZA sessions for children ages 3-7 years, G & E is sponsoring a concert by Steve Blunt, award-winning children’s musician. Steve who believes that “music helps grow happy, healthy kids and stronger communities” will share a program full ...
Family Promise in September
Family Promise in September
Our next week of Family Promise is September 12-19. At this time, there are two families being housed. One is a family of 6, including 4 children, 3,5,6, and 10. The other is a family of 3, which includes a 2 monthold baby. Because of our small space at the ...
News from the Youth Groups
News from the Youth Groups
THE SCENE The SCENE youth group will begin meeting again on Thursday, September 16 from 3:30-5 PM. We meet once a month on a Thursday afternoon and the more, the merrier. If you know of someone in grades 1-5 who would be interested in this group, please contact Jean Crowley ...

August 2021 News

Worship Services in August
Worship Services in August
Summer worship is at 9:30 August 1 Communion Sunday Homecoming Sunday Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15, John 6: 24-35 Sermon: Bread of Life August 8 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: 1 Kings 19: 4-8, Ephesians 4: 25-5: 2 Sermon: Words to Live By August ...
Live Music is in the Air at Smith Church
Live Music is in the Air at Smith Church
The Music Committee and the Diaconate were pleased to welcome Linda Bissonnette back to playing music live for our worship services beginning on June 27th. For over a year Linda had recorded the music for our worship services on Facebook so that we could continue to gather together remotely for ...
Smith Striders
Smith Striders
Our stepping out across the country has been such a fun way to keep in touch with some of our Smith members and friends who are now living further away. We smiled when Joan Macfarlane mentioned our return trek back eastward ! And, oh dear! Just as we got closer ...

July 2021 News

Worship Services in July
Worship Services in July
Summer worship is at 9:30 July 4 Communion Sunday Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: Ezekiel 2: 1-5, Mark 6: 1-13 Sermon: To Hear and Be Heard July 11 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke 8: 42b-48 Sermon: The Holy God: To See, To Hear, To Share ...
Erie Canal Canoe Trip
Erie Canal Canoe Trip
Eleven canoeists completed the fifth segment in our goal to canoe the entire Erie Canal from June 20-24th, this time canoeing the 30-mile stretch of Oneida Lake from Lock #23 and taking out at Sylvan Beach. It was by far the most difficult paddling we have done so far as ...
Growth & Enrichment
Growth & Enrichment
If you recall the wonder of watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis or observing a child witness this, then you realize how apt the committee moniker of “Growth and Enrichment” is for this moment as Smith Church emerges from a hopefully dwindling pandemic. Despite an extended hiatus, Smith Church ...
A New, Fun Fundraiser!
A New, Fun Fundraiser!
As we prepare for what the October 20th Harvest Supper will be like this year, and as we resume in person activities and fundraisers, the Stewardship Committee will be having a Chinese Auction — also known as a Penny Raffle or Chance Auction — as a part of the event ...

June 2021 News

On the Move - A Walking Update
On the Move – A Walking Update
Such interesting and good visits with our friends in Arizona! The variety of landscapes within our country never fail to amaze! Hooray! Two of us, sidelined for some time, are back walking with us. Meanwhile, a couple more of us are benched for awhile, as the rest of us head ...
Food Pantry Donations
Food Pantry Donations
As we return to in- person worship in the sanctuary, we are resuming designating the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) for donations for the Food Pantry. You may recall that most recently- due to the federal government’s narrowing of the list of items that “food stamps” covered - ...
Family Promise Update
Family Promise Update
The families will continue to be housed in the parsonage in Henniker through July. Therefore, we are just looking for meals or gift cards for our next hosting week which is June 6-13. At this point, we know that both families living in the parsonage are actively looking for housing, ...

May 2021 News

May Worship Services
May Worship Services
May 2 - Communion Sunday, Fifth Sunday of Easter Scripture Lessons: 1 John 4: 7-21, John 15: 1-8 Sermon: Risky Business May 9 - Sixth Sunday of Easter Scripture Lessons: 1 John 5:1-6, John 15:9-17 Sermon: Abide in His Love Guest preacher-Charlie Hambrick-Stowe May 16 - Ascension of the Lord ...
G&E Walking Update
G&E Walking Update
For the week ending March 19, our walking group walked 126.7 miles making our total distance walked now 3461 miles. We are just slightly east of Shreveport, Louisiana and have just 400 miles to go to reach our next stop in Lawton, Oklahoma. Now that spring is here, keep those ...
Youth Groups - THE SCENE
Youth Groups – THE SCENE
At our April SCENE meeting we welcomed a new friend, Liam, to the group. Many thanks to Greta Manley and family for the delicious snack, to Don Descoteaux for filling in for Jean Crowley, and to Logan and Landon Lane for helping out as well. We talked about our quote ...

April 2021 News

April Worship Services
April Worship Services
April 1 Maundy Thursday 7PM The Sacrament of Holy Communion and Ancient Order of Tenebrae April 4 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service Intrepid Farm on Center Road at 6:15AM. This worship service is shared with the Deering Community Church, the Methodist Church, Valley Bible Chapel and St. Mary’s Church. Easter Morning ...
Family Promise Update
Family Promise Update
Our week of Family Promise in March consisted of supplying meals to the families at the parsonage in Henniker. We started out with one mom and her 3 year old son, but by Tuesday, we added another mom and daughter. People volunteered to make a meal every night but Tuesday ...
Growth and Enrichment
Growth and Enrichment
PJs AND PIZZA With movement underway to reopen the whole church building and with real time/ real life gatherings a foreseeable possibility, plans are already in motion for the finale ( until the fall ), May Pjs and Pizza session to be a chance to enjoy seeing everyone again, and ...
Youth Groups - The SCENE
Youth Groups – The SCENE
The SCENE met on Thursday, March 18 with an almost full group. Many thanks to Lincoln Descoteaux and family for bringing the snack and to his dad Don for filling in for Jean Crowley, and to Logan and Landon Lane, RBA members who also came to help out. We made ...

March 2021 News

March Worship Services
March Worship Services
Online worship continues on our Facebook page (, and there is also a link here on our website under the Worship/Sermons tab. Sunday Worship is live-streamed at 10:30, and is available as a recording after that. March 7 Communion Sunday Third Sunday in Lent Scripture Lessons: Exodus 12: 12-20, Luke ...
Our March Schedule
Our March Schedule
Weekly: Meditation on Fri at 7 pm Exercise: Mon & Thurs at 10am March 2: Trustees 7 pm March 5: Podiatry Clinic March 5: World Day of Prayer 4pm March 10: Church Council 7 pm March 14: Diaconate 12pm March 14: G & E 3pm March 18: The SCENE 3pm ...
Youth Groups - The Scene
Youth Groups – The Scene
Seven of our SCENE youth group members met on Thursday, February 18 in the vestry socially-distanced and with masks - so happy to have a meeting indoors this month! Thanks to Jeremiah and Joy Daley for providing the snack for us. We talked about our highs and lows, played our ...

February 2021 News

Annual Meeting on February 14, 2021
Annual Meeting on February 14, 2021
Pursuant to the By-Laws of Smith Memorial Congregational Church, UCC, an Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 14, 2021. The meeting will be held online via ZOOM. A small representative group will meet concurrently in the vestry of the church. Please watch your notifications regarding the link to ...
Growth and Evangelism Committee
Growth and Evangelism Committee
WHAT SMITH CHURCH IS READING Anders Morley, the author of This Land of Snow: A Journey Across the North in Winter, that we have been reading for January has invited us to join in a webinar on Feb 9 at 8pm. This event is being hosted by the Urban Ecology ...
Pledges and Donations
Pledges and Donations
PLEDGES Pledges and gifts to support the ministries of Smith Memorial Church may be received by mail or online. By mail: Financial Secretary P O Box 672--Hillsboro, NH 03244 Online pledge: click here. This link goes to our PayPal account, where you can pledge using PayPal, Credit Card or Debit ...
The Scene
The Scene
Nine of our SCENE members met outside the church on January 21, all dressed warmly to spend the hour outside. We had a short discussion about the hardest parts of the pandemic for each person, had an individually packed snack brought by Oliver and Addison (thanks, April!) And, then spent ...

January 2021 News

Worship Services in January
Worship Services in January
January 3 - Communion Sunday Second Sunday after Christmas Scripture Lessons: Jeremiah 31: 7-14 & John 1: 1-18 Sermon: In the Beginning January 10 - The Baptism of Christ Scripture Lessons: Genesis 1: 1-5 & Mark 1: 4-11 Sermon: The Spirit Swept Over the Waters January 17 - Second Sunday ...
Update on the G&E Walking Program
Update on the G&E Walking Program
We had a shortened week just before Christmas, so we did not quite make it to see Dave and Sue Parker in Marietta, Georgia. But we are only 50 miles from them so by New Year's Eve we should definitely be there even with all the forecasted rain. We added ...
PJs & Pizza
PJs & Pizza
With the pandemic escalating, the children will receive their materials (everything but the pizza!), in the mail. Many thanks to Charlie and Elizabeth Hambrick- Stowe for the December books. We will begin the new year and delve into winter fun with a story and a DYI at home craft about ...

December 2020 News

Christmas Eve Services and Activities
Christmas Eve Services and Activities
There will be two pre-recorded services posted on our Facebook page. The first service is a children’s service to tell the story in word and song as the creche set comes together. Our traditional service will be adapted as a pre-recorded virtual service, and include scenes and memories of Christmases ...
Christmas Fund
Christmas Fund
One of our annual 5 for 5 offerings through the United Church of Christ is The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund. The offering is administered through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the charitable arm of the Pension Boards. Funds provide direct ...
Cheerful and Most Generous Givers
Cheerful and Most Generous Givers
The response to our Capital Campaign Fund Drive to off-set the cost of the new heating system has been incredible! To date, $ 91,380.77 has been received outright, with some $2,300 pledged as future giving. All of this occurring in the midst of a pandemic is truly remarkable. We know ...
First 2021 Smith Church Book Selection
First 2021 Smith Church Book Selection
This Land of Snow - Cross country skiing is like “walking in cursive”. So writes Anders Morley. The author now splitting his time between Littleton, NH and Italy, recounts his trek across Canada on skiis ~ a journey as much into the soul as it is into the frigid heart ...

November 2020 News

Capital Campaign and Heating System Update
Capital Campaign and Heating System Update
The heating system is all installed and working and all bills have been paid. The total cost of the system was $213,331.80…$209, 565.00 to Christenson Plumbing and Heating, a local company, which came in a little under the original estimate; $3,600.00 for the design work to Design Day Mechanical; and ...
Family Promise Week November 8-15
Family Promise Week November 8-15
The next host week for Family Promise is November 8-15. The two families, two moms with one child each, will be housed at St Theresa's Church in Henniker, and we are still responsible for the meals, evening and overnight hosts for the week. We are all set for meals, but ...
Smith Church is Reading
Smith Church is Reading
The next book on the G&E reading list is A Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg. What better title for 2020 than this - don't we all need a year of pleasures right about now! The story is about a resilient woman, Bette Nolan, who moved to a small town ...
Children & Youth Programs
Children & Youth Programs
PJ’S & PIZZA On Oct 18th from, 3-4:15 we had our first event since March. We were outside on the lawn and in the vestry. Our bible story was a lesson from Abraham and Sarah who had to wait a long time for their son, just as we have to ...

October 2020 News

Capital Campaign Update
Capital Campaign Update
The letters to the members and friends of Smith Church, the local Hillsboro businesses and the present and former Youth Group members have been sent. Thanks to the excellent coverage in the Concord Monitor, the Stonebridge Post and The Messenger, the community is aware of our project. We are on ...
Heating System Update
Heating System Update
It is almost done! The State and local inspections have been completed and all were satisfactory. The manufacturer has reviewed the installation and things look good. The system is actually functioning now as we experience colder mornings and nights. The electrician still has cosmetic work to do before submitting his ...
Growth & Evangelism Unveils New Walking Program
Growth & Evangelism Unveils New Walking Program
Sponsored by the G&E committee, we invite you to join us in walking, walking, walking! We have several different routes planned and our first route will be walking from Smith Church to Florida, virtually stopping to visit our friends along the way and hoping to be in Florida to virtually ...
The 2020 Stewardship Campaign kicks off with Charles Hambrick-Stowe preaching a Stewardship sermon on Oct 11, and we will receive our pledges on Stewardship Sunday, Nov 22. The theme this year is "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God ...

September 2020 News

Heating System Replacement and Capital Campaign Underway
Heating System Replacement and Capital Campaign Underway
The replacement of the old steam heating system with a modern, efficient, seven-zone, hot water system is nearing completion. The new radiators look good and do not compromise the historic appearance of the church’s interior. Following the vote at the quarterly meeting on June 28th, a Capital Campaign Committee was ...
September Family Promise Week
September Family Promise Week
Our next Family Promise week is September 13- September 20. As of right now, there are two families in the program. Both families are being housed in cabins at a campground in Henniker. The cabins have kitchens. Therefore, we are thinking gift cards which allow them to buy food to ...
Growth & Evangelism
Growth & Evangelism
RALLY DAY, Sunday, September 13th following church While socializing at this year’s Rally Day will be a bit different, the sense of the church year getting underway will definitely be felt. Do plan to gather with us at Manahan Park Beach, bringing food for your family to enjoy, and “relishing” ...

August 2020 News

Church Building Reopening Task Team
Church Building Reopening Task Team
Our committee to reopen our sanctuary has met twice. One of our first solutions to our present situation, is to have hymnals available for people to have during our services outside. Linda plays the hymns, but since the hymns are chosen especially for the scriptures, it would be nice to ...
Music News
Music News
Heather Daley and family/friends have submitted several musical selections for us to use in our worship services. Mike Bradley is going to play guitar for the offertory at our August 16 service. Sandra Mullaney, the arranger of the handbell piece that we have recorded Be Now my Vision, has granted ...
Senior Living Exercise
Senior Living Exercise
Our exercise program for seniors has resumed. We meet Monday’s and Thursdays at 10 AM. Weights are provided, although during the pandemic, we are asking you to bring a bag to put them in. When possible, we will meet out in back of the church in the shade. Outside, we ...

July 2020 News

Worship Services in July
Worship Services in July
Through Labor Day weekend we will be worshipping at 9:30 on Sundays on the lawn between the church and the Dubben House. Chairs will be available, but you may also bring your own. We will also be live-streaming the service on our Facebook page: This is same link as ...
Youth Groups News
Youth Groups News
Rev. Vuilleumier hosted pizza at the parsonage for the youth leaders of RBA and the InCasts on Tuesday, June 23. The group discussed what the next season will look like. Rusty Wightman and Jessica Granger agreed to continue as leaders of InCasts and are looking forward to the fall season ...