Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

News from the Youth Groups

News from the Youth Groups


The SCENE youth group will begin meeting again on Thursday, September 16 from 3:30-5 PM. We meet once a month on a Thursday afternoon and the more, the merrier. If you know of someone in grades 1-5 who would be interested in this group, please contact Jean Crowley (464-4013) or Barbara (464-5239).


It’s been quite a long while since we have all been able to get back to something normal. We are excited to bring our high school youth together and begin our weekly Incast meetings. We have begun scheduling a fun packed fall and invite all high school aged students to join us. We still plan on meeting on Tuesdays, but we are changing the time from 6:30-8:00. Some of the things we plan on this year are monthly outings during our meeting time, monthly activities, adding a bit of community service and continuing with our topics and fantastic discussions!

We are planning a cook out on September 21st at 6pm at Smith Memorial Church where we will discuss our schedule and kick off our 2021/2022 season. Bring your parents, bring a friend! We will have a BBQ and go over all the things! Looking forward to seeing you all there! We are looking forward to a great year together!

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