Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

RBA Erie Canal canoeing trip…..

RBA Erie Canal canoeing trip…..

Eight youth and four adults just completed our third leg of the Erie Canal canoeing 20 miles from Lock #12 to Lock #8 just west of Schenectady from July 20-23.

The weather was exceptional and we are very proud of all our paddlers, particularly those who were canoeing for the first time. Going through a lock in a canoe is quite an experience and one nice lock operator let us go through and then turn around and come back the other way to unload at a convenient spot and still be able to have the lock experience.

Those who have canoed the canal with us all three years have now accumulated 125.5 miles!

We very sadly say goodbye to our 8th graders who will be moving up to InCasts in the fall. We wish all of our youth a happy and safe summer. Look for information in August about the youth groups starting up in the fall! Please contact Barbara Daley at 464-5239 or for any information.

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