Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Smith Church is Reading

Smith Church is Reading

The next book on the G&E reading list is A Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg. What better title for 2020 than this – don’t we all need a year of pleasures right about now! The story is about a resilient woman, Bette Nolan, who moved to a small town after the death of her husband to try to begin again. Along the way she encounters adventure, self-discovery and comes to appreciate the solace found in ordinary pleasures.

The author, Elizabeth Berg, lives in Chicago, but has a local connection having been a good friend of John Farrar, who some of you will remember from the Smith Church Men’s Chorus years ago and in fact, one day she showed up at Fuller Library with John who introduced her to the amazed library staff.

The book is available in bookstores and online. A discussion of the book, led by members of G&E, is set for Friday, December 4 at 3 PM both in the vestry and by zoom. Please send any suggestions of books to read in following months to the church office.

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