Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Stewardship Happenings

Stewardship Happenings

Fund Raiser Results
The Stewardship along with the many volunteers was able to raise $1,150.00 from the Red Sox Raffle. The raffle winner was a member of Smith Church, Debbie Gray. All the proceeds from this raffle will be deposited into Smith Memorial Congregational Church’s general operating fund.

Neighbors in Need
This special mission offering is a part of the UCCs 5 for 5 campaign. It supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States, including the Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM), justice and advocacy, and direct service projects supported by Justice and Local Church Ministries. This offering will be held on the First Sunday of October (October 6th) as part of World Communion Sunday.

Annual Stewardship Campaign
The Stewardship Committee is gearing up for this year’s campaign and Stewardship Sunday will be October 27th. We hope to have the annual letter to include pledge cards in the mail by October 16th.

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