Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Youth Group Erie Canal Trip

Youth Group Erie Canal Trip

Sixteen members of the youth groups (and extended youth groups) just returned from a wonderful 5-day trip on the far western leg of the Erie Canal. We left immediately after the last day of school on Tuesday and drove to Tonawanda, New York. We put in on the Niagara River and entered the canal ¾ mile later and canoed a total of 18 miles taking out in Lockport after going through locks #34 & 35.

We stayed in three different churches – Salem UCC in Tonawanda, St Paul’s UCC in North Tonawanda, and First Presbyterian Church in Lockport – and were treated like royalty in every church. We would SO like to reciprocate and take care of a youth group travelling to New Hampshire!

We canoed one day in the hot sun (and despite our best efforts, there were some sunburns), and then one day starting in the pouring rain but clearing as the day went on. A few almost mishaps but no capsizing or falls into the canal and we all agreed it was the best paddling expertise of all four trips. We spent our last day sightseeing in Niagara Falls, exploring the Niagara Power Vista Center and riding on the Maid of the Mist (right next to the falls and spectacular) before our long drive home on Saturday. Those who have gone on all four trips have now canoed around 150 miles of the canal!

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