Smith Memorial Congregational Church UCC

Youth Groups and 20 Somethings

Youth Groups and 20 Somethings


By the time you read this, some of the 20-somethings will be visiting sugar houses and sampling some goodies for Maple weekend. They welcome all 20-somethings (give or take a few years) who wish to join them at their monthly events. Contact Brian Crowley at 603-809-7047 or for more information or to be part of the Facebook chat group.


We meet every Tuesday night from 6-7:30 PM and would love to have more youth in grades 6-8 join us. Please contact Tyler (491-4126; or Jenna (910-709-6132; or Barbara (464-5239; for more information.


The SCENE meeting in March was centered around a well-received meditation exercise by Jean Crowley, in addition to some active games, free time in the newly-painted nursery, a delicious snack brought by Jack Hebert, and as always, some discussion and sharing of our highs and lows. Our next meeting will be April 18 from 3:30-5 PM. Please get in touch with Jean Crowley (464-4013 or or Barbara Daley (464-5239 or if you have someone in grades 1-5 who might be interested in the group.


It was a pleasure to hear Joyful Noise sing in worship on March 3 with their enthusiastic singing of Rise and Shine and I’ve Got the Joy of the Lord. We are always happy to have new singers join us – please contact Barbara Daley if you are interested.

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